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You will find shares, unit trusts and investment trusts are usually a medium to longer term product, when you consider savings.  You will find that these products offer a higher return than some of the regular savings products that you can have.  It is always a good idea to get advice before you start investing in shares, unit trusts, and investment trusts. 

Shares are when you have a small stock in a company.  You will purchase the shares of the company most often because you are the joint owner.  There are a few ways that you can obtain shares.  First you can purchase stock that is already available on the stock market or you can purchase new shares from a company when it first sells them.  Shares are sold in order to raise money for the company, which means that you will own a piece of the business to help increase the overall performance. 

So how do you make your money from shares?  What you really want to do is wait for a share to decrease in value.  Since the shares are going to continually fluctuate on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis you want to make sure you are buying it on the low side, but that the shares are going to begin to increase.  Most often when you here of a good share to invest in, it means the stock is projected to increase.  This is when you want to obtain your shares because when the stock does begin to perform better you are then going to increase your shares, making a profit, as well as earning dividends.

It is important that if you do not know that much about the stock market you should seek advice.  A stockbroker is trained to see the nuances in the market and recommend shares to you to buy or sell.  The advisory is the one to offer the advice, the discretionary is going to make an investment on your behalf, and an execution only is when you tell the stockbroker to buy or sell for you. 

Unit Trusts are when there is a pooled investment.  In other words a fund manager buys shares in a range of different companies and the funds are then pooled.  You invest in this fund by buying units of the fund.  This means there is shared risk because it is open ended, but also because there are a selection of different companies in the pool offering a variety of chances to increase your money.

Investments trusts are going to be an investment in shares of different companies.  The investors usually take a spread to the risk.  It is similar to unit trusts in that there is a range of companies, but the investment trusts are by themselves companies that you buy shares in rather than creating a pool.  In other words you are investing directly in the company in a spread of companies, rather than buying into the pool of a unit.  There are many choices to invest in when it comes to investment trusts.

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Traps with Credit Cards
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10 Ways To Save Money
Benefits of Savings
How To Save of Invest Your Money
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